
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 35 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Google Guru Documents
Google Guru Documents
Criteria Ratings Pts
threshold: pts
2 pts
Full Marks
Google Docs has a title that will help you find the document again later.
1.2 pts
Google Doc has a title, but it is not descriptive.
0 pts
No Marks
Google Doc is still titled "Untitled Document".
2 pts
Formatting Tools
threshold: pts
5 pts
Full Marks
Google Doc shows evidence that you have tried some of the formatting tools (colored font, bulleted lists, hyperlinks, etc.).
0 pts
No Marks
Google Doc shows no evidence that formatting tools were used.
5 pts
threshold: pts
4 pts
Full Marks
Google Doc has an image inserted.
0 pts
No Marks
Google Doc does not contain an image.
4 pts
threshold: pts
5 pts
Full Marks
Google Doc has a table inserted and the table contains information.
3 pts
Google Doc contains a table, but the table is empty.
0 pts
No Marks
Google Doc does not contain a table.
5 pts
threshold: pts
5 pts
Full Marks
Google Doc shows evidence that you have tried the Google Docs tools (your document is translated into another language, you have inserted information from the web with a citation included, etc.).
0 pts
No Marks
Google Doc shows no evidence that tools like Explore or Translate were used.
5 pts
threshold: pts
2 pts
Full Marks
Google Doc has been shared with at least one other person
0 pts
No Marks
Google Doc shows no evidence that it has been shared with at least one other person
2 pts
threshold: pts
2 pts
Full Marks
Google Doc has at least one comment added (using the +comment button)
0 pts
No Marks
Google Doc shows no evidence that any comments have been added
2 pts
Total Points: 25 out of 25