
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 27 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Computer Science in Our Schools Reflection
Computer Science in Our Schools Reflection
Criteria Ratings Pts
Reflection Length
threshold: pts
1 pts
Reflection is one to three paragraphs in length.
0 pts
Reflection is less than three paragraphs in length.
1 pts
Reflection Content
threshold: pts
3 pts
Reflection is clearly describes student's thoughts and opinions about CS in school/classrooms.
1 pts
Reflection is does not clearly describe or identify student's thoughts and opinions about CS in school/classrooms.
0 pts
Reflection does not define or identify the student's thoughts or opinions about CS in school/classrooms.
3 pts
Spelling and Grammar
threshold: pts
1 pts
Reflection is free from spelling and grammatical errors.
0 pts
Reflection contains spelling and/or grammatical errors.
1 pts
Total Points: 5 out of 5