Unpacking a Standard & Learning Progressions
Learning Intention
In this module you will be learning about:
- how to unpack a standard by identifying the nouns and verbs.
- and how to write a learning progression within a written standard.
So that you can:
- identify the concepts and skills within a standard.
- use the concepts and skills you have identified to write learning progressions.
Success Criteria
You will know you are successful when you can:
- highlight and list the concepts within a standard.
- underline and list the skills within a standard.
- use the concepts and skills that have been identified within a standard and write learning progressions.
Nearpod Instructions
The Nearpod presentation below will walk you through unpacking a standard and identifying learning progressions for a standard. As you move from slide to slide read the content provides, watch each video, participate and submit each activity.
Digital Learning Task Notebook
Throughout the Nearpod presentation you will be asked to complete activities in your Digital Learning Task Notebook. It is recommended that you open a separate tab in your internet browser, and open your Digital Learning Task Notebook in your CSDDocs account. You will be asked to submit a link to your Digital Learning Task Notebook later in the module.
Technology Support
- Working in and submitting a Nearpod Canvas assignment
- Tips and tricks on how to quickly access your notebook
- How to add text and highlights to your notebook