CU: Bite-Sized PD Series (2022-2023)

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Join us virtually each week for our Canyons U Bite-Sized PD series. Each bite-sized PD will be 30 minutes in length and cover a variety of topics designed to support teachers, coaches, and more as we continue to implement the CSD Instructional Priorities Links to an external site. and the Download Best Practices for Digital Teaching and Learning

. Wednesday sessions will have a secondary focus and Thursday sessions will have an elementary focus, and regardless of your level, you are welcome to join any session that interests you. If you aren't able to attend a session, no worries! Each session will be recorded and posted below. Click on the SESSION RECORDINGS tab below to access and view the recordings.

Anyone who attends a PD session, synchronously (real-time) or asynchronously (not real time) has the opportunity to receive .5 relicensure credit. In order to receive credit, complete the 2022 - 2023 Relicensure Google form Links to an external site. to indicate which of the Canyons U Bite-Sized PD sessions you have viewed. This form will be reviewed at the end of each month and relicensure credit will be awarded on Midas. 

*Fill out this Google form to request a future Bite-Sized PD Links to an external site..

Zoom link To join a bite-sized PD session go to Zoom using this Zoom link Links to an external site. and the access code canyonsu 

August 2020 Canyons U Mini PD Series          2020-2021 Canyons U Bite-Sized PD Series      2021-2022 Canyons U Bite-Sized PD Series