CU: Bringing Clarity to Grading Practices and Standards Implementation
In this training you will learn how to identify and unpack grade level standards to write effective learning intentions and success criteria so you can teach and assess the standards more accurately. This training is designed for you to work at your own pace and prepare you for part two of this training that will happen sometime in the Fall where we dive into Skyward and learn how it can support standards-based grading. It is estimated that this course can take you between 3 - 5 hours to complete, but remember, work at your own pace!
Before getting started, please watch the video below to receive a quick introduction to this training from our fabulous School Performance leaders, Alice Peck and McKay Robinson.
Digital Learning Task Notebook Instructions
You can use a the Digital Learning Task Notebook to keep track of your learning in this course.
To access your Digital Learning Task Notebook click the link provided below. This link will force you to make a copy of the digital notebook, and this copy will be saved in your CSDDocs account. You only need to create a copy of the notebook once, and you will continue to use the same copy of the digital notebook throughout the training.
The videos below provide three quick demonstrations on how to create a copy of the Digital Learning Task Notebook, how to access the notebook in CSDDocs after your copy is created, and how to add text and highlights to the notebook.
- How to create a copy of the Digital Learning Task Notebook Links to an external site.
- Tips and tricks on how to quickly access your notebook Links to an external site.
- How to add text and highlights to your notebook Links to an external site.
Technical Support
The Digital Learning Task Notebook requires that you are signed into your CSDDocs account. The link below can provide some technical support for logging into your CSDDocs account. You can also reach out to your school's Ed Tech Coach.
Ensuring Student Success Through Assessments
Canyons School District System of Assessments ensures there is a balanced approach to: standards, curriculum, assessments and reporting. Read through the CSD System of Assessments from the curriculum map.
In your Digital Learning Task Notebook reflect on:
- Components of the Cycle that you are most comfortable with and why?
- The component that you would like to dedicate more attention to. What tools do you need to be more successful?
Technology Support
- Tips and tricks on how to quickly access your notebook
- How to add text and highlights to your notebook
What are the underlying perspective on grading?
Six Perspectives on Grading (p. 18-23) Read the Six Perspectives on Grading that is linked/embedded on below, and in your Digital Learning Task Notebook record your answers for the following questions:
Technology Support |
6 Perspectives on Grading Download 6 Perspectives on Grading