Classic Quizzes
Learning Intentions
Participants who complete this module will gain an understanding of creating and editing classic quizzes in Canvas.
Success Criteria
Participants will know they are successful when they can:
- create and edit a classic quiz.
- assign a quiz to students.
- add questions to a question bank, and/or add questions to a quiz from a question bank.
Canvas Classic Quizzes
Task: Create a classic quiz in your Canvas course.
There are four different types of quizzes available in Canvas: Graded Quiz, Practice Quiz, Graded Survey, and Ungraded Survey.
- A graded quiz is the most common quiz, and Canvas automatically creates a column in the grade book for any graded quizzes you build. After a student takes a graded quiz, certain question types will be automatically graded.
- A practice quiz can be used as a learning tool to help students see how well they understand the course material.
- A graded survey allows the instructor to give students points for completing the survey, but does not allow the survey to be graded for right or wrong answers. Graded surveys have the option to be anonymous.
- An ungraded survey allows you to get opinions or other information from your students, but they are not given a grade for answering. Ungraded surveys have the option to be anonymous.
Watch the following video to get an overview of how to create quizzes in Canvas:
Creating a New Quiz
Task: Edit details add/edit questions, preview and publish your classic quiz.
Individual questions can also be added to question groups.
Open Quizzes
Add Quiz
Click the Add Quiz button.
Select Quiz Engine
If your course has New Quizzes enabled, you must select a quiz engine.
To create a classic quiz, click the Classic Quizzes option [1].
To select New Quizzes, click the New Quizzes option [2].
Then click the Submit button [3].
Note: Learn more about creating a quiz using New Quizzes (Links to an external site.).
Edit Quiz Details
In the Details tab, enter the name of your quiz [1]. In the Rich Content Editor [2], introduce your quiz with formatted text, images, video, or sample math equations. You can even use the media commenting tool to record an introduction to the quiz.
Complete the rest of the quiz details [3].
Add Question
Click the Questions tab [1]. Manually create a new quiz question by clicking the New Question button [2].
Name Quiz Question
Quiz questions are not automatically numbered for instructors. To add a custom name to your quiz question, enter the name in the question text field. Custom names can help you identify quiz questions more easily.
Regardless of the question name, students always see quiz questions in numerical order (i.e. Question 1, Question 2).
Select Question Type
In the question type drop-down menu, you can create the following types of quiz questions:
- Multiple Choice (Links to an external site.)
- True/False (Links to an external site.)
- Fill-in-the-Blank (Links to an external site.)
- Fill-in-Multiple-Blanks (Links to an external site.)
- Multiple Answers (Links to an external site.)
- Multiple Drop-down (Links to an external site.) (can be used for Likert scale (Links to an external site.))
- Matching (Links to an external site.)
- Numerical Answer (Links to an external site.)
- Formula (simple formula (Links to an external site.) and single variable (Links to an external site.))
- Essay (Links to an external site.)
- File Upload (Links to an external site.)
You can link course content (Links to an external site.) to create Quiz questions, such as linking a diagram image.
Set Point Value
To set the point value for the question, enter the points in the pts field.
Note: Quiz point values support up to two decimal places. Entering more than two decimal places will round the point value to the nearest hundredth.
View Questions
View the questions in your quiz. To view questions details, click the Show Question Details checkbox.
Note: Question details are not available in quizzes with more than 25 questions.
Save Quiz
Click the Save button to save your work and preview the quiz.
Note: You should not publish your quiz until it is your final product. If you are ready to publish your quiz and make it available to students, click the Save & Publish button.
Preview and Publish Quiz
Click the Preview button [1] to see what students will see when they take the quiz. If the preview shows the quiz the way you want it, click the Publish button [2].
Note: Although you can make changes to the quiz after it is published, students who have already opened or completed the quiz will not see any of the changes, which may affect their grades.
Question Banks
Task: Create a question bank and add a question from the bank to your quiz.
NOTE: This is an item on your final assignment rubric. Make sure to complete this task!
You can create a Classic Quiz by finding questions from Question Banks.
When you find questions in a Question Bank, you will see all of the Question Banks that you have built in other courses where you are the Instructor. You will also see Question Banks that have been added by your administrator to your sub-account, which makes it easy for instructors in the same department or program to share resources. If an outcome is aligned to a question bank, referencing the question bank in a quiz will also import the associated outcome to the course.
Canvas will reference the questions you choose as each student takes the quiz. These questions will stay in sequential order and stay in order each time the quiz is taken or previewed. If you want to randomize quiz questions, you can add them to a question group.
Note: When you Find Questions in a question bank, changes made to questions in the question bank will not update in the quiz. Changes will update in the quiz only if the questions are linked to a question bank.
Add Quiz
Click the Add Quiz button.
Edit Quiz Details
In the Details tab, enter the name of your quiz [1]. In the Rich Content Editor [2], introduce your quiz with formatted text, images, video, or sample math equations. You can even use the media commenting tool to record an introduction to the quiz.
Complete the rest of the quiz details [3].
Find Quiz Question
Select the question bank where you want to select questions.
Note: When you find questions in a question bank, changes made to questions in the question bank will not update in the quiz.
Add Questions
Check the boxes next to the questions you want to add to your quiz [1]. If you want to select all the questions, click the Select All link [2].
If you want to add the selected questions to a question group, select the question group drop-down list [3]. You can create a new group or add to an existing group.
When you've selected all the questions you want to use, click the Add Questions button [4].
Regardless of the question name, students always see quiz questions in numerical order (i.e. Question 1, Question 2).
- When you click the Select All link, Canvas selects only the questions that currently appear in the window. If you have more than 50 questions in your question bank, click the More questions button until all the questions you want to select appear in the window.
- If you set a question group to randomly select questions from a question bank, the questions will not be included in quiz exports. The QTI file will download quiz details, but no questions will be included.
Save Quiz
Click the Save button to save your work and preview the quiz.
Note: You should not publish your quiz until it is your final product. If you are ready to publish your quiz and make it available to students, click the Save & Publish button.
Preview and Publish Quiz
Click the Preview button [1] to see what students will see when they take the quiz. If the preview shows the quiz the way you want it, click the Publish button [2].
Note: Although you can make changes to the quiz after it is published, students who have already opened or completed the quiz will not see any of the changes, which may affect their grades.