Learning Intentions
Participants who complete this module will gain an understanding of creating modules, adding content to modules, and organizing modules.
Success Criteria
Participants will know they are successful when they can:
- create and organize the modules within their Canvas course.
Organize Modules to Match CSD Style Guide
Task: Create and organize modules in your course to match the CSD Style Guide.
Modules allow you to organize your content to help control the flow of your course. In the Canyons School District, modules should be organized by key concepts or units. These key concepts could be as short as a day or two of instruction or as long as multiple weeks.
- It is important to clearly and consistently label the modules.
- Note: Many of you have already established and have been using a naming convention for your modules in Canvas. If this applies to you, continue doing what you have been doing. We recommend that you check your module names to verify that they are clearly labeled to support your students.
- Ex. March 30 - April 3
- Ex. 3/30 - 4/03: Transmath Tape Diagrams & Proportions
- The first page of each module is a content page that describes the learning intentions, success criteria, and a list of the weekly/module to do list.
- Modules may include the following content:
- Content pages
- Assignments
- Discussion boards
- Files
- External links
- Quizzes
- When modules contain around 10 or more items, modules should be broken into smaller pieces. Larger modules can be broken into smaller modules. (Figure 1)
- Alternatively, modules can be broken into smaller pieces using text headers. (Figure 2)
- Think about the order of your modules, and what is best for your students. Is it easier for the most recent module to be at the top of your modules page? Or, is it better to have it appear at the bottom. No matter what you choose to do, remember to be consistent.
The image below shows this course broken up into Module sections. (Figure 1)
The image below shows Modules broken into sections with Module headers. (Figure 2)
How Do I Create Modules?
Modules allow you to organize your content to help control the flow of your course. For Canyons School District Canvas Courses, modules should be organized by key concepts. The key concepts could be as short as a day or two of instruction or as long as a couple weeks depending on the topic. You can use modules to:
You can use modules to:
- Create prerequisite activities that students must complete before moving on in the course.
- Track student progress through a sequence of learning activities.
- Organize course content by key concept.
Watch the Video Tutorial - How to Create Modules (Links to an external site.) |
Watch the video tutorial to learn how to create modules. Add a module and use the "+" button to add content. In this video lesson you will learn how to create a module to organize everything you've created to teach the key concept, including:
Additional Module Tutorials
- What are modules?Links to an external site.
- How do I create a new module?Links to an external site.
- How do I add items to a module?Links to an external site.
- How do I add duplicate module items?Links to an external site.
- How do I use duplicate module items as checkpoints in my course?Links to an external site.
- How do I use duplicate module items to remind students about important content?Links to an external site.
- How do I reorder modules on the page?Links to an external site.
- How do I delete a module?Links to an external site.
- How do I add text to a module?Links to an external site.
- How do I edit module items?Links to an external site.
- How do I delete module items?Links to an external site.
- How do I reorder module items?Links to an external site.
- How do I require students to move through each module item in order?Links to an external site.
- How do I lock a module?Links to an external site.
- How do I set up prerequisite modules?Links to an external site.
- How do I add requirements to a module?Links to an external site.
- How do I expand or collapse module contents?Links to an external site.
- How do I view the progress of my students in modules?Links to an external site.
- How do I link to an un-configured External Tools in modules?Links to an external site.
- How do I link to an external URL in modules?Links to an external site.
Adding Content to a Module
Adding content
To add content, select the button to the right of your module title. Then:
Organizing long modules
When modules contain around 10 or more items, they should be broken into smaller pieces. Large modules can be broken down using:
- smaller modules
- module headers
Breaking up content using shorter modules | Breaking up content using text headers |
Additional Module Tutorials
- How do I add items to a module?Links to an external site.
- How do I add duplicate module items?Links to an external site.
- How do I use duplicate module items as checkpoints in my course?Links to an external site.
- How do I add text to a module?Links to an external site.
- How do I edit module items?Links to an external site.
- How do I delete module items?Links to an external site.
- How do I reorder module items?Links to an external site.
- How do I require students to move through each module item in order?Links to an external site.
- How do I expand or collapse module contents?Links to an external site.
- How do I view the progress of my students in modules?Links to an external site.
- How do I link to an un-configured External Tools in modules?Links to an external site.
- How do I link to an external URL in modules?Links to an external site.
Creating Prerequisites for a Module
When you set a module prerequisite, the module is locked until a student completes the required items. However, unless completion requirements (Links to an external site.) are set for prior modules, students will still be able to access upcoming modules.
When selecting a prerequisite module, you can only choose from previous modules. You may need to reorder modules (Links to an external site.) to correct prerequisite availability.
Note: You can only add prerequisites if you have added at least one module.
Set Prerequisite
In the module drop-down menu, select the module students must complete before moving on.
Manage Prerequisites
To add additional prerequisites, click the Add Prerequisite link [1]. If you want to ensure students complete modules in order, you should add prerequisites for all modules that come before this module.
To remove a prerequisite, click the Remove icon [2].
Update Module
Click the Update Module button.
Re-Lock Module
If you change prerequisites that students have already fulfilled, Canvas will ask if you want to let students progress through the course or re-lock the modules and require students to complete the prerequisites again.
To re-lock the modules, click the Re-Lock Modules button [1]. To allow students to continue without any changes, click the Continue button [2].
Creating Module Requirements
When you add requirements to a module, students must complete the defined requirements within the module before the module will be marked complete. You can require students to complete all requirements in the module, or have them choose one item to fulfill a specific requirement.
Note that you cannot add requirements until you have added module items: you can add content items Links to an external site. such as assignment types, pages, and files; text headers Links to an external site.; external tools Links to an external site.; and external URLs Links to an external site..
You can choose to allow students to complete requirements in any order, or you can require them to move through the module sequentially. A requirement to move through module items sequentially relates to the order items are listed on the Modules page, not the order displayed in Module Settings. If you have multiple iterations of an module item, you can set different requirements for each item.
Module requirements are displayed in the order that they exist as module items. You may need to reorder module items Links to an external site. so that the requirements are set correctly.
Depending on the module item type, requirements include up to five options:
- View the item: Students must view the item.
- Mark as done: Students must mark the assignment or page as done before they can progress to the next item. This option also synchronizes with the student List View Dashboard and completes the item for the student. However, this behavior is only supported when the item with this requirement is located in one module. Adding the same item within multiple modules is not supported.
- Contribute to the page: Students must post a reply to a non-graded discussion or contribute content to a page (make sure students are allowed to edit pages in the course).
- Submit the assignment: Students must submit an assignment, post a reply to a graded discussion, or submit a quiz. (Canvas does not allow you to manually enter a grade to fulfill this requirement; a submission must be made by the student.)
- Score at least: Students must meet a minimum submission score. With this option, an additional field appears where you can enter the minimum score that students must earn. This option is available for all graded assignment types.
You can also set up prerequisite modules Links to an external site. and require students to complete each module in order.
Note: If you choose to set the requirement type as completing only one option, and you want to use it with graded items, please note that all assignments with their current grades are reflected in the Gradebook. For instance, if you want a module to require a student to submit one of three assignments, the two assignments that aren’t submitted still factor into the Gradebook as unsubmitted. You may choose to manually configure the unsubmitted assignments appropriately, either by using the differentiated assignments feature or excusing the assignments in the Gradebook.
Set Requirement Type
When adding requirements, you can choose whether to allow students to complete all requirements, or one of a series of requirements.
By default, Modules selects the all requirements option. If you want to require students to complete all requirements in the module, this setting has already been selected for you.
Require Sequential Order
As part of completing all requirements, if you want to require students to complete each module item in order, click the Students must move through requirements in sequential order checkbox.
Set Item Requirements
By default, Modules populates the first requirement as the first item in the module [1]. To select a different module item, click the item menu. For the module item, click the requirement menu [2].
Manage Requirements
To add additional requirements, click the Add Requirement button [1].
To remove a requirement, click the Remove icon [2].
Note: If you have included a content item in the same module multiple times, you can set different requirements for each item.
Update Module
Click the Update Module button.
Re-Lock Module
If you change module requirements that students have already fulfilled, Canvas will ask if you want to let students progress through the course or re-lock the modules and require students to complete the requirements again.
To re-lock the modules, click the Re-Lock Modules button [1]. To allow students to continue without any changes, click the Continue button [2].