Google Drive Basics
Intro to Google Drive
Every Canyons employee and student has a Google account that is owned and managed by Canyons School District. This account is referred to as your CSDDocs account and can be accessed by logging on at
Google Drive Organization
Watch the following video to learn how to access your CSDDocs account:
Now learn a little more about the Google Drive menu.
Review the tables below for a detailed description of each Google Drive menu item:
Clicking the "NEW" button reveals the following options:
Selecting "More" gives you access to create even more documents: 1. Google Forms- Create a new Survey or Quiz 2. Google Drawings- Create a new Google Drawing 3. Google My Maps- Create a new Google My Map 4. Google Sites- Create a new Google Site (No Elementary Access) 5. Connect more apps- Add Chrome app shortcuts
Watch the following video to find out how to use the "Search Drive" field to search documents by title and keyword:
Google Drive File Uploading
Many of us have numerous files on our computers that need to be shared and collaborated on by people in our school. When a file is saved on our computer, for example a spreadsheet, we must share it back and forth via email. This can get confusing and cumbersome.
When that file is stored and uploaded to CSDDocs and converted into the Google format, everyone who needs access to the latest version of the file has it. They can all view and edit it at the same time! The spreadsheet is also saved "in the cloud", so if anything every happens to your computer, the file is still safe.
File Uploading
Watch the following video to learn about the different ways to upload documents from your computer into Google Drive:
If it is a Document or Spreadsheet, it may automatically convert to a Google Format. If it does not, right click and select Open With > Google Sheets or Google Docs. A duplicate file will open that is converted to Google Format.
You can also ensure your files automatically upload to a Google format by clicking on Settings>Convert Uploaded files to Google Docs editor format.
Watch the following video to learn about the different basic and advanced features in Google Drive file sharing: