Google Forms
Google Forms
Learn how to utilize Google Forms to facilitate learning and drive instruction and the basics of creating, designing, and sharing Google forms for surveys and quizzes.
ISTE Standard: Facilitator
To meet this standard, educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students. Educators:
6a. Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.
6b. Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.
6c. Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.
6d. Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.
Teachers who effectively use Google Forms are Facilitators because they are able to utilize student feedback and assess understanding to "foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings."
Learning Intentions
- I can create a Google Form with a title, a description, multiple question types, and multiple item types.
- I can customize a Google Form’s color and design.
- I can customize a Google Form’s settings and confirmation message.
- I can create a self-grading quiz using Google Forms.
- I can share and distribute a Google Form.
Success Criteria
- View all pages and content
Why Use Google Forms?
Google Forms is a web-based app used to create forms for data collection purposes. Students and teachers can use Google Forms to make surveys, quizzes, or event registration sheets. Google Forms is part of the Google suite of applications and is available as part of your CSDDocs account.
How can Google Forms help me?
Watch this introductory video (1:59) on how Google Forms can help in a business environment, and think about how this could apply to your classroom with students, colleagues, or parents. Keep in mind, the "how-to" of this video is outdated, but the "why" is still valid.
A Tour of Google Forms
Next, watch another example (3:30) of using a Google Forms to gather data. Think of ways this can help you in your classroom or plan school-wide activities.
Creating Google Forms
If you are familiar with other Google applications, like Docs or Slides, some of the features of Google Forms will be familiar, but of course, Google Forms has its own unique set of tools and settings. Learn all about creating forms on this page.
Logging On to CSDDocs
As a quick reminder, be sure to log in to your CSDDocs account before beginning your work with Forms. Visit Links to an external site. and log in to your CSDDocs account using the following login credentials:
Teacher Login: Username: District Active Directory Username
Password: District Active Directory Password
Google Forms Tutorial
Watch the following tutorial, created by Ed Tech Specialist Doug Rolley, to understand the basics of using Google Forms.
Next, watch the following tutorial that will take you through the steps of creating and using (23:33) a form.
Google Forms Practice
- Open your CSDDocs account and create a new Google Form
- Select a template or use a blank form
- Change the background color
- Title your form
- Add questions
- Preview the form
- Add a section
- Add a question with a check box
- Add a question with a drop-down menu
- Add an opinion question, using the linear scale
- Add a multiple choice grid question
- Preview your form and copy the URL
- Add the URL to a Canvas course, Google Classroom feed, or teacher website
Google Forms Quizzes
With education becoming more and more data-driven, assessments, exit tickets, and other checks for understanding are becoming more and more important for teachers. It seems like there is never enough time to grade students' assignments and analyze the results. With the variety of question types available, Google Forms makes a great quiz-building tool! In fact, in 2016, Google introduced Google Quizzes officially!
Google Forms Quizzes Tutorial
Google Forms Quizzes Practice
- Create a new form using your CSDDocs account
- Convert the form to a quiz
- Add a multiple-choice question with answer key and points
- Add a check-box question with answer key and points
- Add a drop-down question with answer key and points
Google Forms Examples
Below is a list of example forms created by former students in the course. Click on some of the forms below to check out others' ideas of how to use Google Forms in the classroom.
Wendi Miller Links to an external site.
Rocky Chen Links to an external site.
Tavia Richards Links to an external site.
Rebecca Jack Links to an external site.
Natalie Aitken Links to an external site.
Maria Pereira Links to an external site. Links to an external site.
Haitoa Zhoa Links to an external site.
Emalee Brown Links to an external site.
Doug Hallenbeck Links to an external site.
Cynthia Carling Links to an external site.
Barry Johnson Links to an external site.
Angela Nelson Links to an external site.