Windows App Store
Windows Apps Store
The Windows app store is where applications can be purchased and downloaded to your PC.
Microsoft Account
To use the Windows App Store, you have to have a Microsoft account. If you have you ever used, Hotmail, Office 365, OneDrive, Skype, Xbox, or Windows, the email address and password you use for any of those services is your Microsoft account.
To check to see if you already have a Microsoft account on your computer, follow these steps:
1. Start →→→ | 2. Settings →→→→→→ | 3. Accounts →→→→→→ | 4. Scroll down to see if there is a Microsoft Account listed |
If you do not have an account, create one by clicking "Add a Microsoft Account" at the bottom of the accounts page.
Downloading Apps from the Windows App Store
The Windows App Store has a variety of apps that can be used in education. This document provides a description of top apps for education. Download This document provides a description of top apps for education. Look through to see if there is an app that would work well in your classroom or for you as a teacher.
Go to the Windows App Store by picking from your taskbar or by searching "Store". You can search for apps from the search bar in the top right. You can also browse top apps, featured apps, and collections apps from the home page. Select an app you would like to download.
It is a good idea to look through the reviews and the ESRB rating for an app before downloading. Click the button that says "free". A price may be listed here if it is a paid app. Free apps may still have features available for purchase within the app. The "free" button will change to show the progress of the download.
When the app finishes downloading, the button will change to "open". Click the button to open it and explore the app.