Differentiating Assignments
Learning Intentions
Participants who complete this module will gain an understanding of how to differentiate assignments in Canvas.
Success Criteria
Participants will know they are successful when they can:
- differentiate due dates for a Canvas assignment.
- assign specific students to an assignment in Canvas.
Differentiating Assignments
Task: Create differentiated due dates in an assignment that you have created.
Differentiated Assignments is a Canvas feature that lets you create Assignments, Graded Discussions, and Quizzes for individual students, sections, or all students in your courses. Creating assignments for various users creates varied due dates, and availability date functionality is still available for each assignment.
When using differentiated assignments with the Gradebook, the assignment appears as a column for all students, but grade cells are grayed out for students who have not been included in the assignment. Grades cannot be assigned for students who have not been included in the assignment, and assignments that are assigned to them, either individually or as part of a course or section, are not factored into overall grades.
On the student grades page, students can only view assignments that have been assigned to them.
Differentiating Due Dates
Assigning Specific Students and/or Groups of Students
- How do I assign an assignment to everyone in a course? Links to an external site.
- How do I assign an assignment to an individual student? Links to an external site.
- How do I assign an assignment to a course section? Links to an external site.
- How do I assign an assignment to a course group? Links to an external site.