Learning Intentions
Participants who complete this module will gain an understanding of how to create a rubric and attach it to a specific assignment.
Success Criteria
Participants will know they are successful when they can:
- create and attach a rubric to an assignment.
Task: Create a rubric for an assignment that you have created. Make sure to select "Use this rubric for grading."
Rubrics can be added to assignments, graded discussions, and quiz questions (e.g., essay questions) in Canvas. Students will see the rubric right along with the assignment description so they know exactly what is expected. As a teacher it is advantageous to add rubrics because they will appear in SpeedGrader, making assignments simple to grade. Watch the following video to get an overview of Canvas rubrics:
538 - Rubrics Overview Links to an external site. from Instructure Community Links to an external site. on Vimeo Links to an external site..
Creating Rubrics
Complete the following steps to create a Canvas rubric:
- In the assignment or discussion to which you'd like to add a rubric, click the Add Rubric button.
- Note: To add a rubric to a quiz, you must first select Settings [1] and then Show Rubric [2].
- In the Title field, create a title for the rubric. This title helps you identify the rubric so you can associate it with an assignment, graded discussion, or quiz.
- The rubric includes one default criterion entry. To add a short criterion description, hover over the criterion and click the Edit icon [1]. To add a longer description to the criterion, click the view longer description link [2]. The longer description helps students understand more information about the criterion. The long description does not display directly in the rubric but can be accessed by all users.
- Note: Currently criterion cannot be reordered after they are added to a rubric. If you want to display criterion in a specific order, make sure you create them in the order that you prefer.
- To add a long description, enter a description for the criterion [1], then click the Update Description button [2].
Adding a Rubric to a Quiz | Rubric Title |
Rubric Criterion | Criterion Description |
Rubric Ratings
- Rubric ratings default to 5 points, awarding 5 points for full rubric marks and 0 points for no rubric marks. To split a rubric rating, hover over a rating and click the double-ended arrow [1]. Split cells on the row as often as necessary to created the desired number of ratings [2].
- For each rating, you can edit the rating description and the number of points assigned to the rating. To edit a rating, hover over the rating and click the Edit icon [1]. To edit the name of the rating, enter a new name in the text field [2].
- To enter a new point value for the rating, enter the point value in the points field [3]. Points can be whole (1, 5, 10) or decimal (0.3, 0.5, 2.75) numbers. Editing a specific rating value affects the full point value for the criterion. If you adjust the point value of a rating, the value of all ratings will adjust and create the updated point value for the criterion.
- If you want to adjust the total point value of the criterion, enter the number of points in the Points field [1]. The first rating (full marks) assuming the overall point value and any incremental ratings adjust appropriately [2]. However, you can always go back and edit specific ratings if you don't want to accept the automatic adjustments.
- To delete the entire criterion, click the remove icon.
- To create a new criterion for the rubric, click the Add Criterion link [1].
Rubric Ratings | Rating Descriptions | Rating Points |
Rubric Settings
Once you have edited the new rubric, you can select several options.
- If you want to write free-form comments to students in SpeedGrader, but not use the rubric for grading, select the I'll write free-form comments... checkbox [1].
- If you want to use the rubric for grading in SpeedGrader, select the Use this rubric for assignment grading checkbox [2].
- If you don't want students to see the score total for the rubric, select the Hide score total for assessment results checkbox [3]. Students can still see the point values for each criterion, but the total score will not be shown at the bottom of the rubric. This option is only available if the rubric is not used for grading and only applies to students when they view rubrics from the Grades page.
Publishing Rubrics
To complete the rubric creation process, click the Create Rubric button. If you need to edit the rubric, click the Edit icon [1]. To delete the rubric, click the Delete icon [2].
Q: What if my assignment value and rubric value don't match?
A: If you select the option to use the rubric for grading, Canvas will compare the rubric score and Assignment points. If the number of points in the rubric is different from the number of points in the Assignment, Canvas will generate a warning message notifying that the point values are not equal. To update the number of points in the assignment, click the Change button [1]. Otherwise, click the Leave different [2] button.
To learn how to add a previously created rubric, click here.