iPad Basics

Use the tabs to navigate between different options. 


 iPad Setup & Apple ID

It's time to turn that iPad on! Be sure your iPad is charged and begin.


gear.pngiPad Setup

With the help of the video below, you will:

  • Set up your iPad for first use
  • Set a device passcode
  • Create an Apple ID & password (if needed)
  • Choose security questions
  • Agree to the Terms & Conditions
  • Set up Siri (if desired)


Important note: Do not create an Apple ID with your @csddocs or @canyonsdistrict.org email addresses. Please either use your personal Apple ID or create a work Apple ID using a new email address (for example, create a new Gmail address).

How do I backup my iPad from an iCloud Backup instead of "as new"? Links to an external site.