Hosting Your Own Google Meet

 Hosting Your Own Google Meet

Use the information on this page to learn how to create your own Google Meet video conference sessions.


LaptopStart a New Google Meet

You can host your own video conferences to virtually collaborate with colleagues or hold remote meetings with your students. Follow these steps to start your own Google Meet:

  1. Be sure you are logged into your CSDDocs account.
  2. In a web browser, enter Links to an external site..
  3. Click Join or start a meeting.
  4. (Optional) To create a nickname for your meeting so that people in your organization can quickly join the meeting, enter a nickname. Make it unique to avoid conflicts and keep uninvited people from accidentally joining.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Click Join now.
  7. To add someone to a meeting, choose an option:
    • Click Copy joining info  and paste the meeting details into an email or calendar invitation.
    • Click Add people Add people. Under the Invite section, select a name or enter an email address and click Send invite.

Note: You can send a meeting link to people outside of your organization, but someone from within your organization might need to give them access to the video meeting.


LaptopManage Your Google Meet

Now that you know how to start your own Google Meet, learn how to collaborate with and manage meeting participants. You learned about your view options and how to present and chat on the previous page. As a host, you can do even more: 

Pin a participant

Click Pin  in a participant's thumbnail image to pin them to the top of the list.


Mute a participant’s microphone

If you’re experiencing feedback or background noise during a video meeting, you might want to mute other people’s microphones.

To mute other people, next to the person’s thumbnail, hover over their volume icon  and click Mute Mute


  • For privacy reasons, you cannot unmute another person. Ask the participant to unmute their audio.
  • To mute or unmute yourself, at the bottom of the video window click Mute Mute.
  • Any participant can be muted, including people who dial-in using a phone.
  • Phone participants can press *6 to unmute their phone. 


Remove a participant

A participant from the domain that organized the video meeting can remove another participant, if necessary. 

In a video meeting, click the Back arrow Back, hover over the person, and click Remove Remove


LaptopPresent Like a Pro in Google Meet

As you prepare to host a Google Meet as a teacher, the following strategies may help you engage your student more effectively during the lesson or meeting.


Before starting your own Google Meet, it helps to prepare an agenda or lesson plan to ensure your time is used effectively. Share meeting agendas or lesson materials with participants ahead of time via email, or share the link to an agenda in the Google Meet chat window so everyone knows what to expect.

Schedule your Meet times ahead so your attendees can plan to attend and be prepared. Some teachers have also set up virtual office hours and are using email or Google Forms to allow students and parents to sign up for virtual visits.


Interactive Q&A Sessions

If you’re presenting in a Meet video conference, you can set up interactive Q&A using Google Slides. Participants can type their questions in a separate window, so there’s no interrupting or speaking over people. Here's how:

  1. Open Meet Links to an external site. and join a video meeting Links to an external site..
  2. Go to Slides Links to an external site. and open a presentation.
  3. At the top, next to Present, click the Down arrow Down Arrowand thenPresenter view.
  4. Go back to your Meet video meeting and click Present now.
  5. Choose what to share:
    • Your entire screen
    • A window
  6. Select Share.
  7. In Slides, click Audience Tools.
    • To start a new Q&A session, click Start new.
    • To resume a recent Q&A session, click Continue recent.
    • To stop accepting questions, click On in the Q&A window.Choose an option.


Instructions and images on this page were modified from Google's content available at: Links to an external site.