Blended Learning

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It is important to understand the differences between online learning, blended learning, and flipped learning.

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  • I can define and recognize elements of online, blended, and flipped learning.


The definitions shared below can be found in the Best Practices for Digital Teaching and Learning section of the CSD Curriculum maps that can be found at Links to an external site.
Digital teaching and learning essential vocabulary

Traditional Learning
Instruction and learning experiences that either don't use technology at all or technology that is not being leveraged intentionally. 

Blended Learning
A learning environment in which technology is intentionally used to provide both teacher-centered and learner-centered learning experiences that are designed to maximize student learning and instructional time.

Online Learning
Instruction and learning experiences are the same as blended learning, but the physical space is solely online and the instruction is adapted to fit that format. 

Flipped Learning
A pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class section, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions.

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