Learn to create content pages using copy-and-paste HTML codes.
Learning Intentions
I can understand the rationale for customizing my Canvas content pages.
I can incorporate tabs into my Canvas course to increase organizational material.
I can utilize basic HTML to add horizontal lines, background colors, and other aesthetic features to content pages.
Enhancing Course Content Using Copy & Paste HTML
Using HTML code in your Canvas course allows you to add specific elements to your Canvas page which would otherwise not be available. For example, HTML code was used on the Canvas page you are reading right now to create the tabs that you see below. HTML code can also help you add things like:
Table of Contents
Pop-up Dialogue Box
Shadow Box
Horizontal Lines
Drop Down Menu
Review the tabs provided below to gain: a basic understanding of HTML, view a sample page, gain access to many HTML codes, and view additional resources that demonstrating the use of HTML codes.
Canyons U Bite-Sized PD
The video shared below is from our Canyons U Bite-Sized PD series and covers enhancing course content with HTML.
The information shared below is a basic introduction to HTML.
The page shared below is an example of a content page where HTML code was used to create a table of contents, drop down menu, and pop-up dialogue box.
Use the page below to explore the HTML codes available. Each link describes the element that can be added to your Canvas page, and takes you to directions and the codes used.
The videos shared below were created and used in an older version of the Canvas Black Diamond course. The videos are demonstrations of using specific HTML codes, and can be helpful if you would like to see this process in action. The HTML codes provided on the previous tab are what should be used for this process.
Font and Lines
Note: we have found that the fonts option doesn't work and this is because of the fonts selected would need to be present on the end users device as well.