Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship Resources

 Internet Safety & Digital Citizenship Resources

There are many resources already created for teachers to help them provide Internet safety and digital citizenship instruction for their students. Some of our favorites include:

Common Sense Media NetSmartz NetSafe Utah Be Internet Awesome


puzzle.png Parent Connections

Links to these and other resources for the classroom and for parents at home can be found on the Canyons School District Parent Connections Links to an external site. website. This page will give you more information about what is available from each of these sites.

Common Sense Media Links to an external site. has some fantastic resources for teachers and parents as you strive to teach your students the nuts and bolts of internet safety and digital citizenship. Click the video to watch a short video clip about digital footprints from Common Sense Media.

Nearpod Links to an external site. is a great tool that Canyons School District has purchased for its teachers. Nearpod has teamed up with Common Sense Media to provide educators engaging pre-made digital citizenship curriculum presentations Links to an external site. that can be added to your Nearpod library with ease. Join the student-paced Nearpod presentation about Cyberbullying from Common Sense Media.
NetSmartz Links to an external site. is a a great resource for Internet safety lessons and activities for teachers and parents. NetSmartz offers presentations, project kits, and a training program for teachers. You can download digital formats of their curriculum, or they will also send you a binder and DVD appropriate for your grade level. They also offer kids and teens sections on their website with resources and activities appropriate for any grade level. Click on the images to visit the NetSmartz Kids and NS Teens sites. NetSmartzKids          NSTeens Links to an external site.
NetSafe Utah Links to an external site. provides online videos and resources for kids, teens, parents and educators, including Internet Safety information that Utah schools need to meet the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requirements. The videos provided on their website are informative, simple, and entertaining. Click on the image to watch the NetSafe "Tell An Adult" video. Tell An Adult
Google Be Internet Awesome Links to an external site. is designed to help kids be prepared to make smart decisions online. It "teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence." The program includes lesson plans for teachers and an online adventure game for kids called "Interland". Click the image to visit Interland Links to an external site. and try it out. Interland