LanSchool Classic - for Computer Labs

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 LanSchool Setup

LanSchool is software that allows teachers to monitor student activity on school technology devices, such as Macs and Chromebooks. Using the software, teachers can guide classroom learning and monitor computer use. Watch the following video to get an overview of what LanSchool can do.


LaptopLanSchool Software Installation - Computer Lab

Canyons School District has purchased licenses for the LanSchool software, so there is no need for you to purchase it on your own.

Stationary Computer Lab

If you are teaching in a stationary school computer lab, LanSchool should already be installed and set up to recognize the computers in the lab. No installation or class setup should be needed. If you notice, however, that LanSchool is not installed or is not recognizing all the computers in your lab, be sure to request help from your school's Field Tech by submitting a footprints ticket via email:

Classroom Use

If you would like to use LanSchool in your own classroom on Chromebooks, see the section on Lanschool Air for Chromebooks.  Monitoring and facilitating student iPad with Apple Classroom is covered in a different section.

