CSDDocs Tips

LaptopCSDDocs and Chromebooks Monitoring Tips

There are several ways you can monitor students CSDDocs and Chromebook usage:

  • Using LanSchool, you can right-click on a students computer and look up their web history. This only lasts since they logged into the computer. To see more browser history, you can use a student's Chromebook (when they are logged in) and push CTRL+H and it will open all of their search history. Students cannot delete their search history. 
  • For Elementary Students you have access to all student's usernames and passwords. You can use a student's username and password found via Skyward to login to their CSDDocs account and see the documents students have created.
  • In a CSDDocs you can press "last edit was made on date by name" to open an edit history. Often when students claim they are "Instant Messaging" or "chatting" online with other students it means they have opened a CSDDocs and then have shared it with other students. Often they delete the content of the documents, but a record remains in the edit history. 
  • If you have concerns about students accessing pornography, report directly to Admin who then can get into contact with IT admin to search the search history.