Getting Started with ePortfolios
- Purpose
- Evaluation
- Other Important Considerations
There are two primary approaches to ePortfolios in the classroom: The positivist approach and the constructivist approach. Take a look at the table below for a quick overview of the differences.
As you consider implementing ePortfolios in your classroom, determine whether you want the portfolio to be an assessment for learning or an assessment of learning (or a combination of both!). While constructivist ePortfolios are more intrinsically motivating for students and promote metacognition, positivist ePortfolios can be great resources for a student's teacher in a later grade or even for college and job applications.
Once you have decided on a purpose for your students' ePortfolios, you can move forward with deciding how to evaluate them: Checklist, rubric, etc. Below is an example of a rubric used as assessment of learning and students' mastery of pre-determined standards.
Final Project_ ePortfolio.pdf Download Final Project_ ePortfolio.pdf
Other Important Considerations
Take a moment to read Edutopia's "11 Essentials for Excellent Digital Portfolios" Links to an external site. and consider what the suggest for effective ePortfolio implementation.
Types of Artifacts
- Writing samples
- Work experience
- Video
- Audio
- Group projects
- Research projects
- Photographs/images/artwork
- Reflective essays
- Examples of problem-solving
- Journal/blog entries
- Language skills
- Etc.
Some possible reflection questions for students to contemplate their artifact selection include:
Other Details to Include
It is also recommended that each artifact is accompanied by a date of completion, class where completed (if accepting artifacts from other classes), artifact title, and artifact description.
Click the image below to view an ePortfolio site with several examples of ePortfolios and class websites.
This site also exemplifies all elements of the assignment for this class, which will require you to create your own ePortfolio or classroom-related website to demonstrate proficiency with Weebly, the website-building tool we will learn how to use.