Let's Explore UEN's Resources

 Exploring Utah's Online Library

question mark What is Utah's Online Library?

"Utah's one-of-a-kind online library provides educators and students free access to high-quality reference collections such as EBSCO, Gale Reference Collection, World Book and Preschool Pioneer." (onlinelibrary.uen.org) Links to an external site.Watch the following video to learn more about Utah's Online Library.

question mark How do I access Utah's Online Library?

You can access all of the free materials on Utah's Online Library by visiting OnlineLibrary.uen.org Links to an external site. or by clicking on the image below. Teachers and students who access the library while on the District network can access all the materials without logging in. When at home, a username and password are required. Teachers may always login with their my.uen username and password. The student login changes each year. Please reach out to your school's instructional coach for this year's login and password.  



question mark What are these tools?

There are so many research tools in Utah's Online Library that it would take much more than two hours to explore them all. So, the Thinglink below has been created to give you a brief explanation of each. Hover over the image to reveal the Thinglink dots. Hover over each dot to read a description of each tool. Click on "read more" to go to the tool and explore it in depth.


question mark How do I use these tools?

At the bottom of the Utah's Online Library resource list is a link to Activities Links to an external site. that have been built to help educators utilize Utah's Online Library in their classrooms. Activities have been created for a variety of curriculum areas and grade levels. They guide students through using the Library resources to research specific topics and offer suggestions for which databases would best assist students with particular projects.

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Your assignment for this module is to try two of these Utah's Online Library activities. Here's what to do:

  1. Start by clicking on your preferred subject area. 
  2. Browse through the topics listed, and find one that seems applicable to your grade level and curriculum focus.
  3. Read through the activity instructions, and use the Utah's Online Library resource(s) recommended in the activity description to conduct your own research.
  4. While conducting your research, make note of the pros and cons of the research tools you are trying out.

Repeat these four steps for a second activity. Then, complete the Utah's Online Library assignment on the next page.
