Adobe Spark Resources

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Adobe Express Video can be used to make short videos with the ease of creating simple presentation slides. It's easy enough to have students use, but is also a great alternative as a teacher for presenting information!


Adobe Express Video: The Basics

Log in to Links to an external site. if you haven't already and play along with Adobe Express Video as you watch the tutorial below. It moves quickly, so feel free to pause & play!


Example Teacher Videos

Use Adobe Express Video as an alternative presentation product for direct instruction, whether you are sharing content, instructions, etc.


Using Adobe Express Video with Students

Students cannot share Adobe Express Video creations, but they can download the video to be submitted via Canvas. Students can also present their videos in class or add their teacher as a collaborator on the project, but this would require teachers to check

Although Adobe Express Post is primarily used for social media graphics, it can be a quick way to make high-quality visuals for your classroom.


Using Adobe Express Post: The Basics

Log in to Links to an external site. if you haven't already and play along with Adobe Express Post as you watch the video. It moves quickly, so feel free to pause & play!

Post Teacher Examples


Using Adobe Express Post with Students

Students cannot share Adobe Express Post creations, but they can download a PDF version to be submitted via Canvas.

Click Download then choose PDF

Adobe Express Page is a great tool for quickly and easily creating quality-looking web pages! Designed for the presentation of information, these sites can be a great alternative to PowerPoint or Google Slides presentations.


Using Adobe Express Page: The Basics

Log in to Links to an external site. if you haven't already and play along with Adobe Express Page as you watch the video. It moves quickly, so feel free to pause & play!

Page Examples


Using Adobe Express Page with Students

Students cannot generate a link to an Adobe Express Page creation, but they can present their webpage in class. Another option is to add the teacher as a collaborator on the page, but this requires the teacher to check Links to an external site.. Instead, consider having students make a website with New Google Sites.