CU: Canva

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Before you start creating, you'll need a free account and an idea of what sort of product you'd like to design (e.g., newsletter, poster, presentation, etc.).


Create an Account

1. Go to Links to an external site..

2. To create an account, choose to either login with your Google account (recommended), or sign up via email. If you choose to sign in with Google, it will ask you for your Google (CSDDocs) username and password.


Choose your Design Type

The biggest differences between the different design types is size. Consider where you want to publish or share your creation (e.g., in a presentation, on a piece of paper, on Facebook, etc.), as this will help you determine the best size.

With the free version of Canva, you cannot resize your creations. As a result, taking a business card you've created, for example, and trying to print it as an 8.5 x 11 inch poster will end up too blurry.

Some common design types include:

Poster Flyer Newsletter Certificate


Use your Canva dashboard to navigate the different design types available. Click on the one you want to use!