Virtual Learning Communities

 Virtual Learning Communities

Joining Ed Tech communities can help educators pursue professional interests by providing opportunities for them to actively participate in local and global learning networks (ISTE Standards for Educators 1b).

In Canyons School District we believe in utilizing teaming structures to plan, learn, support and collaborate (CSD Academic Framework Links to an external site.). Structures like Building Leadership Teams (BLT), Instructional Peer Learning Communities (IPLC), and Student Support Teams (SST) are all examples of teaming structures CSD has in place to support student success. In addition to these supports, it can be helpful for teachers to reach out to other educators, within or outside of their school, to share ideas, tips, tools, and encouragement.


world.pngBenefits of Virtual Learning Communities

One of the great things about attending a conference, professional development, and classes is the ability to learn with others. Discussions and activities with other professionals provide opportunities to stretch beyond your own thinking and access the ideas, experience, and expertise of others in your field. Once these learning opportunities have concluded, it can be difficult to keep the momentum gained from these interactions. Virtual Learning Communities can help educators continue to benefit from the teaming and collaboration experienced at in-person training.

Virtual Learning Communities help improve educators' ability to improve their professional practice in a number of ways:

Virtual Learning Communities

Below are links to several virtual learning communities for educators. Some have been created to support users of specific tools and software, while others are general educator collaboration spaces. Browse through the communities and their resources and determine if there is one you might be interested in joining.

Classroom 2.0

Teaching Channel


Classroom 2.0

Teaching Channel


Nearpod Communities Canvas Community Apple Teacher Program
Nearpod Communities Canvas Community Apple Teacher