Virtual Personal Learning Networks (PLN)

 Virtual Personal Learning Networks (PLN)

Through participation in local and global learning networks, educators can build their own personal learning network to support and improve the professional practice (ISTE Standards for Educators 1b).

The more that educators engage with other professionals in virtual and blended learning communities, online groups and chats, and in-person conferences and professional developments, the more they have the opportunity to build collaborative relationships with knowledgeable educators. All of these relationships combine into what is known as their Personal Learning Network (PLN).

A Personal (or Professional) Learning Network is "a natural extension of the way people learn–by connecting with others who have shared interests, ideas, or resources. If the internet was, at one point, one-way – a user 'logs on' to search for information or share an opinion, then 'logs off' because they’re 'finished' – a more progressive view could be that connectivity is omnidirectional and multi-faceted. We connect with different people with unique expertise using varied tools for authentic and constantly changing purposes" (teachthought Links to an external site.).


world.pngTale of Personal Learning Network

The following video is the story of how one physical education teacher built up his own PLN to improve his professional practice. As you view the video, pay attention to how this educator found other professionals who taught in his same content area, how he built up and interacted with his PLN, and how all of this ultimately resulted in increased student achievement.