

  • Use assessments when appropriate in Canvas such as assignments, discussions, quizzes, and etc. 
  • Make sure assessments have a unique title. 
    • Ex. March 30 - April 3 Assignment #1
    • Ex. Transmath 3: Unit 2: Lesson 10 -Problem Solving Activity
  • Assessments must have due dates. 
    • Due dates populate a "To Do" list & calendar for students, and they can make it easier for students to understand what and when assignments are due. 
    • Due dates are necessary for passing back assignments to Skyward (secondary).
    • Due dates are needed to view/separate grades for the different grading periods. 
  • When grading assessments, provide feedback in the comment section of Canvas. 
    • When appropriate, use the DocViewer in Speedgrader to provide detailed and individualized feedback. 
  • Create and use rubrics for assignments. This allows students to know how they will be graded on assignments, and it provides an easy way to provide feedback on assignments. 
  • Unpublish assignments not being used.

Something to Consider

  • Use assignment groups to organize assignments:
    • Assignments
    • Assessments
    • Practice


    • Quarter 1 Assignments
    • Quarter 2 Assignments
    • Unpublished Assignments


  • Use assignment groups to weight overall assignments: 
    • Assignments = 20% 
    • Assessments = 70%
    • Participation = 10%


    • Assignments = 20%
    • Practice = 0%
    • Assessments = 80%

Training Resources