Sharing Content

Sharing Content

Canvas provides multiple ways for you to share and import content into your Canvas courses.

Direct Share 

Direct Share allows users to send or copy content from one course to another. The Send To option allows teachers to share with other teachers, and the Copy To options allows a teacher to copy their own content into another Canvas course they are enrolled as a teacher in. 

Image of where to find the send to and copy to sharing options


image of where to find the shared content in your Canvas course. Account Settings - Shared Content - Actions



Red1Transparent.pngLocate the item you would like to Direct Share, and click on the three dots located on the right-hand side.

Red2Transparent.pngChoose the option you'd like: "Send To" or "Copy To."









Red1Transparent.pngTo retrieve the content that was shared with you using the "Direct Share" option, click on "Account."

Red2Transparent.pngClick the "Shared Content" option.

Red3.png Click the three dots located under "Actions," and select your option. 


Commons allows Canvas users to share learning resources with other users as well as import learning resources (content pages, assignments, courses, modules, quizzes, discussions) into a Canvas course.

Image of how Canvas Commons










Using a Sandbox Course

A sandbox course is a course created by an individual and is used to create content without having to work in a course that is currently live with students and student submissions. Teachers can work in a sandbox course individually or invite other teachers and course designers to participate. The content within the sandbox course can be shared using the Direct Share and Commons options, as well as the "Import into Course" option that is found in your course settings.

If you haven't used this option, connect with your school's Achievement, Ed Tech, or TPACK coach for assistance.