Logging into the LearnPlatform

Learning Intentions

Participants who complete this module will gain an understanding of how to login to the LearnPlatform. 

 Success Criteria

Participants will know they are successful when they can:

  • Login to the LearnPlatform via CSDDocs


Educators can sign up for a LearnPlatform account by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the sign-in page at learn.canyonsdistrict.org. Links to an external site.



  2. If this is your first time logging in, you will be asked to set up your profile. If you have already been added as an educator or administrator into LearnPlatform, you may not see this demographics screen. You can always set up your details later.

  3. That’s it! You should now see your organization's EdTech Library!

  1. If instead, you see the LearnCommunity library, simply use the organization selector in the top left corner to switch to your Canyons School District library.