Best Practices with Activities

 This page will focus on the types of activities and some tips on when best to use the different types of activities.

 Activity  Tips for Using the Activity:
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  •  Try and attach a picture to your question (if not a unique picture, try to add a picture to support your question of one of the slides leading up to this question).
  • Give students time to write complete sentences.
  • Share answers and use them to drive discussions.


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  •  Use this activity to gauge opinions. There isn't value attached to answers.
  • Students can choose all options in a poll, make sure and tell them how many they should choose.
  • Although you can choose up to 8 answer options, we recommend 4 or less so that students don't need to scroll to see all answers.
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  •  This activity allows you to add several questions.
  • Students will answer questions at their own pace if there are multiple questions added. Consider adding a slide with just one question if the pace of the lesson needs to be regulated.
  • Keep answers to 4 or less so students will not need to scroll to see all options.
  • More than one correct answer can be selected if the question is set up this way.
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  •  Draw-it Activities are great for annotating or for drawing and/or hand writing an answer.
  • Use pictures of your slides for the background to annotate.
  • Screenshots are a good solution if you are wanting students to annotate a text or problem that is published in a different format.
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  •  This activity is a great one for students to work on vocabulary.
  • The results of the activity are shown to the students, but it doesn't appear on the reports at the end of the activity.
  • Fill in the blanks is a great way to help students to memorize.

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