Module 6.4 - Badge Awarded
- Due No Due Date
- Points 0
Module 6.4 Badge
If this has been checked off, your Module 6.4 Google Forms badge has been awarded on Links to an external site. .
Are you wondering why your badge for this module has not been awarded? Be sure that you have:
- Completed each assignment in this module.
- Received 80% or higher in this module. (If your score is lower, please go back and redo any work as needed.)
- Logged on to Links to an external site. using your first.last and district email password. Your badges can't be awarded until you have logged onto that site at least once.
If all of this is done, no need to worry. Our graders are working as fast as they can to grade your work and give feedback, and our course instructor is awarding badges as quickly as she can.