Module 5.1 - Annotate and Highlight Leveled Readers
Annotate and Highlight Leveled Readers
Leveled readers are a very powerful resource in your Reading Street materials, and many teachers don't even know they are there. One benefit of leveled readers is the ability for students to annotate and highlight what they are reading. In the book Visible Learning for Literacy, it mentions that study skills, which include annotating and highlighting, have an effect size of .63. This ranks #22 on Hattie's list of effect sizes.
Accessing Leveled Readers
The video below will show you how to access all of the leveled readers and how to use the annotation and highlighting tools.
You can also find the leveled readers that go along with each week's story on the current week's main page. Explore the leveled readers and try out the annotate and highlight features.
If you are assigning the leveled readers to students to use on iPads, make sure to have the Pearson Realize Reader Links to an external site. app downloaded on the student iPads. This will allow them to use the annotation and highlight tools on their iPads. These features are not available from the website by itself on the iPads.