Module 6.3 - Hour of Code Part 2
Hour of Code Part 2
Continue your Hour of Code preparation...
Start Your Hour of Code with Inspiration
It's okay if both you and your students are brand new to computer science. Here are some ideas to introduce your Hour of Code activity:
- Explain ways that technology impacts our lives, with examples both boys and girls will care about.
- As a class, list things that use code in everyday life.
Start your Hour of Code with an inspirational video or speaker. It's important to let your students know why they will be doing an hour of code. has created videos that feature people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and NBA star Chris Bosh. These videos have been created for students to get excited about computer science. Click here to access videos created by The video below is one of my favorites to share with students.
If you like the idea of inviting a guest speaker to your classroom to talk to students but have no clue how to find one has a way to help you. If you click this link Links to an external site., provides a way for you to look for volunteers in your area who would love to come talk to your class.
Direct students to the activity by writing the tutorial link on a whiteboard or by providing it digitally. When your students come across difficulties it is ok to say:
"I don't know. Let's figure it out together."
"Technology doesn't always work out the way we want."
"Learning to program is like learning a new language; you won't be fluent right away"
If a student finishes early direct that student to another tutorial (there are lots to choose from!), or ask students who finish early to help classmates who are having trouble with the activity.
Find a way to celebrate and/or showcase what your students learned during the Hour of Code. provides certificates and stickers that you can print and give to your students. If you have the funds you can order custom t-shirts for your school.
"I did an Hour of Code!" Stickers
Custom T-shirts
Share photos and videos of your Hour of Code event on social media. Use #HourofCode and @codeorg so let highlight your success, too.