Module 4.6 - Google Meet

 Google Docs

LaptopLogging On to CSDDocs

As a quick reminder, be sure to log in to your CSDDocs account before using Meet. Visit Links to an external site. and log in to your CSDDocs account using the following login credentials:

Teacher Login:

Username: District Active Directory Username

  • first.last
  • Notice that the ending is required. On a Chromebook this ending is usually added for you.

Password: District Active Directory Password

  • The password or passphrase you use to log in to your District email account


LaptopGoogle Meet Overview

View the following video for basic overview of Google Meet. Don't worry about the details yet, they'll be reviewed in the coming pages.

Google has extended licenses and added features specifically to help educators teach remotely during COVID-19 school dismissal. Click the image below to learn more.

Google Education

If you need more help at any time throughout the module, visit the Google Meet support site: Links to an external site.