Module 2.1 - LEADER Option 1: Grant Writing
Grant Writing
In this module, participants learn how to identify new digital resources and tools for learning and to access grant money that will enable them to curate these resources and tools.
ISTE Standard: Leader
To meet this standard, educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student empowerment and success and to improve teaching and learning. Educators:
1a. Shape, advance and accelerate a shared vision for empowered learning with technology by engaging with education stakeholders.
1b. Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content, and learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students.
1c. Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning.
Teachers who apply for educational technology grants are Leaders because the grant process includes "identification, exploration, evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning."
Learning Intentions
- I can find and identify applicable grant sources.
- I can identify activities or projects that engage students and may require additional supplies or equipment to be purchased.
- I can read grant narratives with a critical eye, looking for effective and ineffective writing strategies.
- I can write a grant narrative that includes a clear purpose, well-written narrative, a plan tied to core curriculum, and a District-approved equipment list and budget.
- I can set up a Donors Choose account and apply for a grant.
Success Criteria
- View all pages and content
- Complete assignments, quizzes, discussions, and reflections:
- Finding Grants
- Grant Writing Strategies
- Making a Grant Stand Out
- Donor's Choose Account
- Grant Narrative