Module 5.2 - Annotate and Highlight eText

 Annotate and Highlight eText

Pearson eTexts -- both the teacher and student versions -- are very powerful resources in your enVisionmath2.0 materials. One benefit of eText is the ability to annotate and highlight the pages. In the book Visible Learning for Literacy, it mentions that study skills, which include annotating and highlighting, have an effect size of .63. This ranks #22 on Hattie's list of effect sizes.



LaptopPearson eText

The video below will show you how to access Pearson eText from the Pearson Realize website.


Play media comment.


Explore the eTexts, and try out the annotation and highlighting tools.

Pearson eText for Schools


eTexts can also be used on iPads. Sometimes it is easier to use annotation tools on a touch screen. In order to access the eText on an iPad, you need to download the Pearson eText for Schools Links to an external site. app.

When you open the app, you will need to log in using your grade level team's Pearson Realize login. Then, you will need to tap on "More Info" for the eText you would like to view. You can download parts of an eText or the entire text to your iPad. Once in an eText, tap on the screen at any time to see the eText tools appear across the top of the screen. Tap and hold on the screen to add an annotation or to highlight.

Not satisfied with the eText tools? Want to write directly on the pages you see? You're not the only one. Here's a tip: Take a screenshot of any page of the eText while it is showing on your iPad screen (hold down the Home button and the power button at the same time). Tap on the little screenshot that appears in the lower left corner of your screen, and now you can use all of the iPad's built-in annotation tools instead of the eText tools!

iPad Annotation