Module 5.2 - Customizing Prebuilt Content

 Customizing Prebuilt Content

Think about how you currently assess your students. Do you over or under assess them? Are you giving the right types of assessments to accomplish the purpose? Is there something you could be doing better? Look through the different types of assessments in enVisionmath2.0 and consider why are you using the types of assessments you currently assign to your students.


LaptopHow to Customize a Prebuilt Assessment

Pearson Realize has prebuilt tests for each topic and lesson in enVision 2.0, but not all assessments are needed to grasp your students' level of proficiency. If an assessment isn't necessary, don't assign it as a time filler our just merely out of habit. Decide what data is needed for the students, and then customize it to only those specific types of questions. Assigning everything in a Pearson assessment is the same as assigning an entire worksheet. 

Pearson Realize has many different types of prebuilt assessments that can be used/customized to support student learning. Any of the Math assessments can be customized to fit your needs. Remember since you are using joint grade level accounts, each assessment can only be customized once. It might be best to customize the assessments as a team during a team meeting or PLC in order to customize them to fit the team's needs. 

Watch the video below to learn how to customize an assessment.



LaptopMath (enVision2.0)

The envision 2.0 platform has so many tests to choose from, from Online Placement Tests, to Daily Quick Checks, to End-of-Year Assessments. All of these assessments serve a different purpose, but not all of them will serve a purpose for your class. Preview the different types of assessments found in the table of contents, topics, and lessons for the topic and lessons you are currently teaching. 

Table of Contents

  • Online Placement Test
  • Online Cumulative/Benchmark Assessment
    • These are the CSD Math District-wide Standards-based Assessments (#1-4, with #4 being optional dependent on the school.)
  • Performance Tasks
  • Online Next Generation Assessment Practice Test
    • These types of questions look very similar to what they will see on the End of Year assessments. This could be a great practice tool, but should never take the place of instruction.
  • Online End-of-Year-Assessment

How could these different types of assessments help you with formative and summative assessment in your classroom? How could you customize these assessments to better fit your needs?

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  • Topic Online Assessments
    •  Topic Online assessments are a great summative assessment of the Chapter. Remember, though, many times you only teach certain lessons from the topic. Therefore, customize the topic assessments to the lessons you taught.

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LaptopUsing Quick Check & Practice Buddy in Classroom Instruction


  • Quick Check
    • A Quick Check is supposed to be quick. If it takes longer than 5-7 minutes, it is too long.
    • Some teachers use the Quick Check to get a very quick view of their class and which students need to be pulled back to the table for remediation and support.

  • Practice Buddy (Only Available Grades3-5)
    • Practice Buddy: Independent Practice
      • Use during skill-based group time.
    • Practice Buddy: Homework
      • Customize and use as your homework instead of sending workbook pages home. This allows students to get extra help at home instead of being frustrated asking for parents help on a worksheet.

This is a video Mrs. Mellor (4th Grade, Sunrise) made for her parents to get a little more acquainted with Pearson Realize and more specifically Practice Buddy. She has given permission for other teachers to access and use it.