Module 5.2 - Math Tools and Resources
Math Tools and Resources
enVisionmath2.0 has many tools and resources you can use in your classroom. Here are just a few that you may not know about or may not use often. As you are looking through the tools, think about how you can use them in your classroom to make your lessons more engaging.
Math Teacher Resources Found in Tools
Math Tools
- Best Math Feature
- In my opinion, Math Tools are the best tool in all of Pearson Realize.
- No Login Required
- Students do not have to login to use the Math Tools. Have students bookmark it on their computers, or have your Ed Tech Coach or Field Tech add the Math Tools link onto the iPads. That way they are easily accessible at all times.
Math Tools
Download Math Tools PDF Step By Step:
- Open the PDF and try the practice section of 2-3 of the tools you would like to learn more about to be able to use in your classroom.
- What are some math tools that you could model or have your students use to help deepen their understanding in math?
Game Center
- No Login Required
- Just like the Math Tools, students do not need to be logged in to Game Center.
- Bookmark it
- Have students bookmark it on their computers, or have your Ed Tech Coach or Field Tech add the Game Center link onto the iPads. That way they are easily accessible at all times.
- Email to Parents
- You can even email the link home to parents. Game Center could be something they play at home without you having to assign it.
- Visit Game Center and try out some of the games.
- When would be a good time to use Game Center in your classroom?
Math Teacher Resources Found in Table of Contents
Teaching Tools
- Teaching Tools can be used during whole-class or small-group instruction.
- What teaching tools are available for your grade?
- How could you use these tools in your classroom?
Math Teacher Resources Found in Lesson
Adaptive Homework (Only available for 3rd-5th grades)
- Adaptive Homework give teachers the ability to assign a lesson to their students. The assignment will adapt to the ability of the student, even though the content still comes from that day's lesson.
Learn More about it by reading the Adaptive PDF Download Adaptive PDF.