Module 6.1 - Adding Links, Files, & Images to Content Pages

 Adding Links, Files, & Images to Content Pages

There are many options for adding content into a page in Canvas. On this page, we will focus on three types of content that are most common for beginners: Links, Files, and Images.


LaptopAdding Links to Content Pages

Using the "Links" tab to insert content into a page will allow you to add links to other pages, assignments, quizzes, discussions and more. Simply place your cursor in the area of your content page where you would like to insert the link (or highlight the text you would like to convert into a link), then click on the page, assignment, quiz or other content found in the list to the right of the rich content editor window.


To insert links to websites outside of Canvas, you can use the Link button in the rich content editor: Screen Shot 2013-08-22 at 3.41.31 PM.png. Type and/or highlight the text that you would like to use for the external link, then click the link button, then paste the web address (URL) for the external website.


LaptopAdding Files to Content Pages

Selecting the "Files" tab will bring up a list of all of the files that you have added to your course. Adding one of those files is as easy as placing your cursor in the are of your content page where you would like to insert a link to that file, then click on the file found in your list. Again, if you would like to link text to a file, highlight the text before selecting the file.

To add a new file, simply click the "Upload a new file" button at the bottom of the list of files, browse your computer for the file that you would like to insert, then click Upload. The file will be added at the location of your cursor in the rich text editor window.



LaptopAdding Images to Content Pages

There are two ways to add images to your content pages. The first is to use the area to the right of the rich text editor shown in the image to the right.

By selecting the "Images" tab, you will be able to select a photo you've previously added to your course. To upload a new image, select "Upload a New Image" and located the file on your computer. Check to see that your cursor is located in the content page where you want the image to be placed, then click on the "Upload" button and the image will be added to your course.


The second way to add images to your course is to use the embed image icon (Screen Shot 2013-08-22 at 3.45.25 PM.png) in the rich content editor to add any image that you have already uploaded to your course. After selecting the embed image icon, the following window will open:


There are 3 options for adding images from here:

  1. Paste a URL (web address) for an image that you own or have permission to use from another website.
  2. Insert an image that you have uploaded into your canvas course. (You will learn more about how to upload images in the next page.)
  3. Search for free images using Flickr. These images can be used for free in your courses and are a great way to conduct a web search when you need images for your Canvas courses. 


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