Module 7.2 - Canvas SpeedGrader
Canvas SpeedGrader
SpeedGrader allows you to view and score different types of assignments quickly and easily. The teacher can provide feedback, make audio or text comments, and annotate student assignments. Watch the following video to get an overview of how SpeedGrader works:
524 - SpeedGraderâ„¢ Overview Links to an external site. from Instructure Community Links to an external site. on Vimeo Links to an external site..
Accessing Speedgrader
To access Canvas's SpeedGrader while on the main course page, click on the assignment/quiz/discussion you wish to grade under "To Do." This will take you to SpeedGrader. You can also access SpeedGrader from an assignment. While viewing an assignment, a SpeedGrader button will appear on the right side of the screen.
Navigating Speedgrader
Navigate SpeedGrader and take advantage of all it can do by using the tools below:
- Student List: Navigate through students using the arrows or the pull down list to find students quickly. Students whose assignment has been graded all have a green checkmark by their name. Students who have submitted an assignment which has not been graded will have a checkmark box located by their name. Finally students who have not submitted an assignment will have a a lightly shaded checkmark box.
- Assignment Name: Displays the assignment and due date.
- Submission Information: Submission information includes the date and time the assignment was turned in. If the assignment has been submitted multiple times, the teacher can see each submission. If the assignment was turned in late, a message will be displayed under the date that states, "Note: This submission was LATE."
- Grade: Enter the student's score here. If the assignment has a rubric a box will be under the grading area. To use the rubric click on the box and select the appreciate criteria. Canvas will input the students score based on the rubrics grading scale. The score will save automatically once entered.
- Comments: SpeedGrader allows for a variety of ways for teachers to offer feedback to students. The teacher and student can communicate back and forth via text, audio, and video. Be sure to submit the comment before going to the next student.
- Body of Assignment: View the students assignment.
SpeedGrader Settings
Complete the following steps to choose your settings for SpeedGrader:
- Click on the gear icon in the upper left hand corner of SpeedGrader to access helpful settings that allow you to customize how you see your students and their submissions.
- Many teachers like to select to organize assignment submissions by submission status. This choice places ungraded submissions at the top of the list and graded assignments at the bottom. It can help you see what still needs to be done for that assignment.
SpeedGrader DocViewer
Another great feature of SpeedGrader is DocViewer that allows you to comment directly onto documents submitted for assignments. Students are able to see your comments and annotations right within Canvas. Watch the following video to learn more: