Module 7.4 - Introduction to Excel

 Introduction to Excel

Excel is an incredibly powerful yet seldom used tool in the classroom. Watch the videos and visit the pages below to familiarize yourself with some of the basic features of Excel.


LaptopGetting Started with Excel

Watch the following video to learn the basics about getting started with Excel. Watch the video starting at 4:20.


Review the following videos for how to format, modify, sort and filter cells, columns, and rows:

Cell Basics (4:27)

 Modifying Columns, Cells and Rows (4:47)

Formatting Cells (3:54)

Freezing Panes and View Options (4:21)

Sorting Data (4:30)

Filtering Data (4:45)


LaptopExcel Practice

Now that you know how to format, modify, sort, and filter cells, columns, and rows, complete the following actions using the data file you exported from Skyward:

  • Separate the first and last names into separate cells.
    • Insert 1 columns to the left of column B.
    • Select all the data (just the data), including the header, in Column A.
    • Select the "Data" tab at the top.
    • Click the "Text to Columns" button.
    • Select "delimited", then choose "Next >".
    • Uncheck "Tab" and check "Comma", then choose "Next >".
    • Then choose "Finish"
  • Change the table to include a light and dark blue stripe on alternating rows
  • Sort the list so that student's are alphabetized by first name
  • Delete the columns with any information about student's grades
  • Add the following headers: Monday through Friday using the fill handle.
  • Change the font and text size of the student's first names.