
YoTeach! is a great tool for creating an online backchannel/chat room or for hosting a quick check for understanding.


What is a Backchannel?

A backchannel is "a digital conversation that runs concurrently with a face-to-face activity" (Edutopia Links to an external site.). One of the most authentic uses of a backchannel is Twitter. For example, at a conference, attendees will tweet notable quotes, questions, and comments while listening to a presenter. Likewise, while viewing the Academy Awards, people often tweet their feelings about celebrities' outfits, wins, speeches, etc.

A backchannel can be a great place for students to post ideas, comments, questions, or answers in a way that doesn't interrupt the primary activity in the classroom. Some specific example include, but are not limited to:

  • Questions during a presentation
  • Thoughts/comments during a film or reading
  • Online discussion for outer circle of a Socratic seminar


How to Use YoTeach! to Create a Classroom Backchannel

Visit www.yoteachapp.com Links to an external site. to follow along with this video.