Module 2.2 - CSDDocs and G Suite for Education

CSDDocs and G Suite for Education

For the remainder of this module, you no longer have to use a Chromebook. Although you can, it is recommended you use your teacher laptop.


LaptopWhat Makes CSDDocs Unique?

Every Canyons employee and student has a Google account that is owned and managed by Canyons School District. This account is referred to as your CSDDocs account and can be accessed by logging on at Links to an external site..

CSDDocs allows for all Canyons employees and students to access and utilize Google's G Suite for Education for free! All CSDDocs files are in a filtered "bubble," protecting users from the outside world. CSDDocs can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection. Review the following interactive infographic to learn more about the various tools that come with a Google account: