Module 6.1 - Course Navigation

Course Navigation

The area to the left of the screen is called the course navigation. The course navigation needs to be customized for consistency among all Canyons School District teachers using Canvas. This consistency will help to provide a more uniform user experience for students.


LaptopEditing Course Navigation

The course navigation needs to include the following elements and hide all others:

  • Home
  • Syllabus
  • Announcements
  • Modules
  • Grades 

Play media comment. 

Customize the course navigation

  1. Click "Settings" on the left side of your screen.
  2. Click the "Navigation" tab.
  3. Click and drag items to be hidden to the lower section. Drop the items below the words 'Drag items here to hide from students."
  4. Repeat with all items which need to be hidden. Leave only Home, Syllabus, Announcements, Modules, and Grades.
  5. Click Save.