Module 5.1 - Customizing Prebuilt Content

 Customizing Prebuilt Content

Think about how you currently assess your students. Do you over or under assess them? Are you giving the right types of assessments to accomplish the purpose. Is there something you could be doing better? As you explore the resources below and look through the different types of assessments in Reading Street, consider why are you using the types of assessments you currently assign to your students.


LaptopHow to Customize a Prebuilt Assessment

Pearson Realize has prebuilt tests for each week and unit in Reading Street, but not all assessments are needed to grasp your students' level of proficiency. If an assessment isn't necessary, don't assign it as a time filler or just merely out of habit. Decide what data is needed for the students, and then customize assignments to only those specific types of questions. Assigning everything in a Pearson assessment is the same as assigning an entire worksheet. 

Reading Street has many different types of prebuilt assessments that can be customized to support student learning. Any of the ELA assessments can be customized to fit your needs. Remember, since you are using joint grade level accounts, each assessment can only be customized once. It might be best to customize assessments as a team during a team meeting or PLC in order to customize them to fit the team's needs. 

Watch the video below Links to an external site. to learn how to customize an assessment.



LaptopReading Street ELA Assessments

Preview the four different prebuilt assessment types for ELA:

Unit/Weekly Tests

  • Balanced Test
  • CCR Test
  • Online Test
  • Fresh Reads for Fluency and Comprehension (SI, O, A)

What is the difference between the different types of assessments? Which one do you think works best for what you are trying to assess?

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