Module 6.1 - Canvas: An Overview

 Canvas: An Overview

Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that supports online learning and teaching. It allows educators to post content, information, and assignments online.


LaptopWhy Use Canvas?

Watch the following video to learn how Canvas can be an effective tool for your classroom.



LaptopCourse Creation

Teachers in Canyons School District do not create their own core courses. Initial course creation is managed by the IT Department through a sync with Skyward.

Missing a course? Submit a ticket to IT for help ( or call the IT Help Desk (801-826-5544).

Missing a student from your course? New students should be uploaded within 48 hours of registering with CSD. If you still have problems, talk to your school secretary. She/he can double check that the student was registered correctly and is active in all the correct courses in Skyward. Still not seeing your student? Submit a ticket to IT for help ( or call the IT Help Desk (801-826-5544).


LaptopCanvas Basics

Watch the videos below to learn more about Canvas basics from the student and the instructor perspectives.

Note: CSD courses do not utilize all of the navigation elements shown in the videos.   


LaptopIntroducing Canvas to your Students

Below is information to help introduce Canvas to your students. You could even add some of the content to your own Canvas course!

Additional Tutorials from Canvas: