CU: iPads and Apps

CU: iPads and Apps

iPads and Apps banner

In this module, participants will learn the basics of navigating and using an iPad in order to become more familiar with how the iPad can help educators meet the diverse needs of all students.

iPad Basics and Setup Projecting my iPad Finding and Evaluating Apps
Apple Teacher Certification Monitoring Student iPads Apps for Classroom Management

[Coming Soon!]


To help you navigate this course, below is a self-assessment checklist.  This will help you move to the page that will be of most benefit or it can be used to  help you keep track of your learning.

Not Familiar With Some Knowledge Expert Module/Page
  • I can explain the physical features of an iPad and the accessories that come with this device.
iPad Basics
  • I can create a free Apple ID account and use the App Store on my iPad.
iPad Basics
  • I can customize the settings and appearance of my device.
iPad Basics
  • I can add my CSD email to my iPad mail app and use it to send and receive emails.
iPad Basics
  • I can  project my iPad.
Projecting my iPad
  • I can identify and download two educational apps for basic iPad use in the classroom.
  • I can identify classroom management apps to be used in the classroom.

Last Edited January 26, 2022

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