CU: External Apps (aka LTI Tools)

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Define what an External Apps (aka LTI Tools) is, know what external apps are commonly used in CSD, and understand how to add external apps in a Canvas Course. 

Goal free icon Learning Intentions

  • I can articulate why, and determine when, I would want to use an external app in my Canvas course.
  • I can define external app (LTI Tool).
  • I can add an external app to my Canvas course.


Why Bring Outside Resources into Your Canvas Course?

In this module you are going to learn about external apps (LTIs) and Open Education Resources (OERs) and how to use them in Canvas. First, it is important to think about why you would want to use them in your Canvas course. 

External apps and OERs are resources that are created outside of Canvas, and listed below are the benefits of incorporating them into your Canvas course. The video shared on this page talks through the benefits that are listed below. 


  1. Easier Access to Content and MaterialsPenmantake2-removebg-preview.png  
    Canvas becomes the "one-stop" for accessing the content needed, and helps eliminate navigation issues that occur when students need to access different online programs/websites.
  2. Help with the Distribution of Content and Materials
    In addition to making it easier for students (and parents) to access the content/materials, educators can use external apps and OERs to help distribute various learning activities and assignments.
  3. Connection to the Canvas Gradebook
    Some external apps and OERs have the ability to connect to Canvas assignments, which in turn can connect to the Canvas gradebook. 
  4. Support Personalized Learning
    OERs provide additional ways to learn and personalize learning.
  5. Flexibility and Support with Blended Learning
    Online textbooks provide flexibility in place and pace. 
  6. Supplement Content
    OERs can serve as a supplement to the curriculum being used in the classroom, and shouldn't be used as a replacement. 
  7. Eliminates the need for students to create their own accounts.
    With some external apps and OERs bringing the content into Canvas eliminates the need for students to create an account within the program itself, which in turn can support safeguarding student privacy.