CU: Canvas Advanced

Canvas Advanced

Canvas Advanced

The Canvas Fast Track is a self-paced course that will teach you how to use Canvas for blended learning and how to design according to the Canyons School District Canvas Standards. All teachers and secondary students have access to the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) for all of their courses. 

csddocs.png differentiating assignments.png rubrics.png outcomes.png
new quizzes.png calendar.png announcements.png inbox.png
observer.png apps.png organizing files.png course analytics.png
Canvas Passback


To help you navigate this course, below is a self-assessment checklist.  For those of you who are familiar with Newsela, this will help you move to the page that will be of most benefit.  For those who are not familiar with Newsela, you can use this checklist to keep track of your learning.

Not Familiar With Some Knowledge Expert Module/Page
  • I can define CSDDocs (aka Google Drive)
  • I can connect my CSDDocs account to my Canvas account.
  • I can help my student connect their CSDDocs accounts to their Canvas accounts.
  • I can identify three ways to use CSDDocs within Canvas.
  • I can link and embed CSDDocs elements in my Canvas course.
  • I can create an assignment using the Google LTI.
CSDDocs in Canvas
  • I can differentiate due dates in an assignment.
  • I can assign specific student to assignments in Canvas.
Differentiating Assignments
  • I can create a rubric in Canvas, attach it to an assignment, and grade that assignment using the rubric.
  • Secondary Only: I know what Outcomes are in Canvas and how they could be used to track mastery.
  • Secondary Only: I know how to access the learning mastery gradebook to track students mastery of Outcomes
  • I know the difference between Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes
  • I can create a New Quizzes quiz.
  • I can add a variety of question types to my quiz.
  • I can add a stimulus with questions attached to my quiz.
  • I know how to utilize the item banks and outcomes within New Quizzes
  • I can migrate questions from my Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes
New Quizzes
  • I can locate and access my Canvas calendar.
  • I can add and edit an event.
    I can add an assignment to the Canvas calendar.
  • I can use Scheduler to create appointments for students to sign up for
  • I know how to connect my Canvas calendar to my Outlook calendar.
  • I can create and send an announcement in a Canvas course.
  • I can use the Canvas Inbox to send and receive messages.
Canvas Inbox
  • I can share information with parents/guardians on how they can observe their students in Canvas.
Observer Accounts
  • I know about the Canvas Teacher, Student, and Parent apps.
Teacher, Student, & Parent Apps
  • I can locate files in my Canvas course.
  • I can move and organize files in folder.
  • I can rename files.
Organizing Files
  • I can locate and view the course and student analytics for my canvas course.
Course Analytics
  • I can pass scores from Canvas to Skyward (secondary only).
Canvas to Skyward Grade Passback


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